I just don't understand this weather! Last week we were having 80 degree days and by the weekend we were in a blizzard with 7-9 inches of snow. Today most of the snow is gone and melted and it is a nice Spring day with a high of 66 degrees. It is no wonder that everyone is sick and doesn't feel good. We can't decide if it is Spring or Winter.
With all of the winter weather this weekend we didn't get out much at all. The weekend was spent mostly catching up on odds and ends around the house, watching movies, and scrapping. I actually did not leave the house from the time I got home on Friday after work until I dropped Riley off this morning to come to work! Needless to say I was feeling a little bit stir crazy. It didn't help that Riley is fighting a runny nose and teething at the same time. Poor guy just wasn't very happy. He did get to catch up on a lot of sleep and hopefullly he will be able to kick this little bug soon.
This weekend was the perfect opportunity to make pancakes for breakfast with the new molds I bought for Riley. Aren't these just the best?