So it seems that when you have more than one kid your life gets a little crazy! It has been almost three months and no post.....there probably isn't anyone who reads this anymore. =) But here is what we have been up to.
We had a beautiful baby girl who is the sweetest baby. She is now starting to laugh and smile so Riley loves to entertain her. There have been plenty of times that I have caught Riley sitting in front of her swing "reading" his books to her. They are just too cute for words. She was such a tiny baby that when she reached the 10 lb mark on her 3 month check up we were very excited!
We recently went to the pumpkin patch and it was so nice to see Riley have so much fun on the "jumping pillow". Although we went last year Riley was only 6 months old then. This year he was able to enjoy so much more. I am so glad that we found Walter's Pumpkin Patch and I hope we are able to keep this a family tradition.

I have started to sell jewelry on the side....I guess I thought I needed something else to do! Ha! It has kept me really busy but I am really enjoying it and who knows maybe one day I will be able to stay home with the kiddos and just do this. Wishful thinking on my part but a girl's got to dream!
Until next time.....which won't be as long promise!