I really didn't think that it was going to be this long again before I was able to start juggling all the balls I had in the air. Now I can finally start making some time to catch up with friends and family again! Looking back at the blog it has been almost a year since I last posted anything. I am SURE no one is still reading this.....there has been nothing to read. =)
So, a very quick recap to get everyone caught up to speed.
Riley had a great 2nd birthday and still loves to sing "Happy Birthday" to anyone that will let him. He is very talkitive and is constantly into everything he shouldn't be. He is a great big brother and loves to make Hannah laugh. He is the center of attention most of the time, and cannot wait for you to pull out the camera so he can say "cheese"! He makes me laugh and cry all at the same time. He has grown so much and way too quickly for this mommy to like. The other night he had to show me how he can finish "reading" the words to the story. I know it is just because we have read Goodnight Moon a gazillion times, that he knows the words. But it did make me tear up to think about my little baby starting to read.
Hannah has grown into such a sweetheart! She celebrated her 1st Birthday in July and has been moving ever since. She officially started walking almost 2 weeks to the day after her birthday. She still prefers to hold onto something if it is around her, but she does not let that stop her from getting to where she wants to go. She loves to tease her brother and drive him crazy. She may still be a tiny girl but she is mighty fiesty. She is a typical girl.....when she wants something she wants it right now and is not afraid to tell you. She started off as our Hannah Banana, which was shortened to Hannah B, and now she is just B. Needless to say she celebrated her birthday in true "B" style with a honeybee themed party. I just love our Baby B so much, she is my true cuddler. Whenever I need some loving she is eager and ready to give it to me. I just love this about my sweet little girl.
Work has been busy for both Danny and I. We have been on many trips, lots of meetings, and continue to somehow keep the homelife going. We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary this year. I still cannot believe that it has been that long. It truly seems like a year ago we were getting married and starting this crazy ride. I am so blessed to have such an amazing partner in life. In areas that I am weak he is strong, and vice versa. He is my true soul mate and I fall in love with him more everyday.
Here are just a few photos to enjoy.

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