I think Hannah was just loved the fact she was outside and was being pulled around all day. She is such a happy girl. She is content just being by herself or when she is the center of attention. When we took the hayrack ride at the end of the day out into the pumpkin patch would probably be my favorite part of the day with Hannah. She was starting to get tired and wanted to be held. So, I got to have some cuddle time with my sweet baby girl while we enjoyed the ride.

After a fun filled day at the pumpkin patch we all enjoyed a quiet evening at home just relaxing and enjoying each others company. On Sunday we ran errands and went to a birthday party for one of our good friends. This was Hannah's first birthday party besides her and Riley's. I am not sure what she thought of a bunch of silly 5 year old girls, but she was all smiles most of the day. To wrap up our fun filled weekend we came home and grilled out. What a great way to end a pretty fantastic weekend.
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