Things are getting busy around our house getting ready for my little man to turn 3! We have been in birthday party mode for a couple of weeks now and things are starting to come together. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone and how big he already is. It is so fun to see him get so excited for his big day. This is the first year that he really understands what is going on. I love how he goes around the house singing "Happy Birthday to Me" and telling everyone he sees just who is coming to his birthday party. Too cute!
He amazes me with how much he has learned in just the past year and how much his personality has developed. As glad that I am that he is becoming more independent and learning so many new things. I still wish for the days when all he wanted to do was be held by his momma. Hope that his birthday is all that he hopes for and that he remembers just how much he is loved by everyone!
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