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5 on Friday

Friday, August 09, 2013

So today I am linking up with Darci from the good life blog.  If you don't follow her blog, I would highly recommend it...she is funny and always has some amazing resources for mommas.

I feel like we live in Seattle. It has seriously rained every day for the last week.  It doesn't really show any signs soon of stopping either.  Now as much as I am loving the fact that my grass is super green (as well as all the neighbors who usually don't water in the summer), I am starting to be over what all this humidity is doing to my hair! I have wavy hair...not the cute I can wear it wet wave, the I look like I just didn't brush my hair kinda wave. With all of this humidity it has been frizz city.  I need some summer sun please...even if it is for a few days, to get this hair under control.

Spin class....I HATE you and LOVE you all at the same time. We made the plunge this week and took a spin class on Tuesday.  I literally could not walk normal for two days. Not to mention the awkwardness that happens when you can't quite sit down or get up when going to the bathroom. Um ya that was me for a good two days.  We went back on Thursday and as much as my bottom hurt from Tuesdays class....the results were much better today in the realm of sore muscles.  I think we probably sweated enough to fill the outside pool, and we probably looked ridiculous, but it was definitely the best cardio workout we have had in a while. I think we are going to try and stick to it for a while and go back on Thursdays....wish us and our poor legs and bottoms luck!

I just really don't like eating anything heavy in the summer. I think it is just the heat and how it makes you feel.  But for the past few nights my dinner and lunches for that matter have consisted pretty much of just watermelon. I know it doesn't have all that much value for you....but oh it tastes so good.  Light, refreshing, and oh so filling.  Maybe since the rain has cooled things off a little bit I will actually feel like eating something with some more substance.

Summer has pretty much gone and past us.  The kids go back to school next week and life returns back to normal routines.  Both kids are really excited to be starting school, I just hope the excitement continues well into the school year. Riley will be wearing a uniform for the first time and Hannah just cannot understand why she doesn't have to wear her uniform jumper to preschool.  I don't think she has fully grasped the fact that she is a grade behind her brother. Hoping that next week goes well and that this momma has it under control and doesn't break down crying again.

I tried out a new salsa recipe.  I really love it! Not too spicy, not too sweet, not to chunky, and not too runny.  In my opinion it is the best.  Slight problem.....I just kinda winged it when it came to the ingredients and I am not sure I can recreate it. I know all the ingredients but I didn't measure a darn thing.  I love cooking this way and usually come out with some pretty great eats, but I am hopeful that I will be able to do it again based on taste.

2 Responses to “5 on Friday”

  1. I literally laughed out load at that e-card! I have always wanted to make homemade salsa!

    1. The salsa is so easy to make and tastes should definitely try it!
