Well after a week of waiting and thinking this might be it.....Hannah has finally made it here! Hannah was born at 4:30 am on Friday July 24th. We had gone in that evening to be induced at about 6:30pm on Thursday. I was not looking forward to the thought of using Pitocin....I have heard the contractions are much stronger that way. I was looking forward to the fact that I wasn't leaving the hospital until our baby was here. Luckily, I didn't ever need the Pitocin and she came on her own once my water was broke. She was 5 lbs and 14 oz and 18 inches long. Compared to Riley (7 lbs 6 oz) she is a tiny baby.
Riley has been adjusting to his new life with a baby sister and has had a few bumps along the way. He loves to "pat" his sister like he does the dogs. So we are working on patting softly and he has even warmed up to the idea of giving her a few kisses. Life here is changing but we are loving every minute of it and all of the new challenges.
Archive for 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009
So worth the wait
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I laugh because I must not cry. -Abraham Lincoln
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
You see that ticker over there to the right? Ya that one, it says baby Hannah is 3 days old....it is just mocking me! She isn't 3 days old, she isn't even here yet. For the past two days I have had contractions that are spaced out for a lovely 20-30 minutes apart. This is definitely not going to get us headed in the right direction. I am all for a little girl taking her time to make sure everything is just perfect for her big debut....but this momma is tired! I would just like to have a night where I am not sleeping on a sleeping bag just in case my water breaks. I really thought that yesterday would be the day, I even stayed home from work just in case because the contractions were so consistent. But, even with all the walking we did they would not move any closer or grow any stronger. So for today's quote.....I laugh because I must not cry!
Being Patient....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
That title is definitely not my strong suit. If I needed to work on a virtue this would be at the top of the list. After our last doctor visit yesterday I was fully expecting him to tell me that our little girl would be making her appearance soon. Unfortunately with two days until my due date, I have changed nothing! Not even a little bit and I haven't had any change for the past month and a half. This little girl wants to stay where she is but her momma is very ready to get her body back to normal. I just need to keep repeating the mantra that "she is not late yet" and remind myself she isn't even due until Saturday. I am praying that she comes on her own and I do not have to keep my induction date of the 23rd. I would much rather due this on my own than have to be induced.....but having a baby sooner than later is much more appealing.

Is It Time Yet?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wow it has been a busy past few months. Every time I tried to sit down and blog something always came up. We are so very close to having the nursery completed and I will post pictures soon. That process seemed to take much longer than expected. I think the biggest problem is that there really isn't all that much out there Dr. Seuss readily available to buy. You can find just about any other "theme" for a nursery and have more than plenty of options to decorate with, but for some reason most of the Dr. Seuss items are homemade items sold online.