That title is definitely not my strong suit. If I needed to work on a virtue this would be at the top of the list. After our last doctor visit yesterday I was fully expecting him to tell me that our little girl would be making her appearance soon. Unfortunately with two days until my due date, I have changed nothing! Not even a little bit and I haven't had any change for the past month and a half. This little girl wants to stay where she is but her momma is very ready to get her body back to normal. I just need to keep repeating the mantra that "she is not late yet" and remind myself she isn't even due until Saturday. I am praying that she comes on her own and I do not have to keep my induction date of the 23rd. I would much rather due this on my own than have to be induced.....but having a baby sooner than later is much more appealing.
In other news the Wilbert family has bought a new car! This was something that was unexpected and not necessarily what we thought we would be duing the week that we had a baby due. But with the recent troubles we have had with the Jeep we decided now would be a good time to trade her off and look into a new car that was more realible with the kiddos. We are very excited about the new car....but I think I can speak for most people that the actual process of buying a car is not fun! We were at the dealership for over 4 hours negotiating and we still walked away without a car. Needless to say we had to go back to finish things up the next day because all of the financing departments and banks were closed by the time we got to a price we could all agree on. GRRRRR, once again I just wanted to go in and have it be quick and easy. I should know better, but I was still hopeful. Here is a picture of our new addition to the family.....I just wish we could share Hannah's picture as well.

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