You see that ticker over there to the right? Ya that one, it says baby Hannah is 3 days is just mocking me! She isn't 3 days old, she isn't even here yet. For the past two days I have had contractions that are spaced out for a lovely 20-30 minutes apart. This is definitely not going to get us headed in the right direction. I am all for a little girl taking her time to make sure everything is just perfect for her big debut....but this momma is tired! I would just like to have a night where I am not sleeping on a sleeping bag just in case my water breaks. I really thought that yesterday would be the day, I even stayed home from work just in case because the contractions were so consistent. But, even with all the walking we did they would not move any closer or grow any stronger. So for today's quote.....I laugh because I must not cry!
well i am thinking about you and praying it happens today!